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SEA Supports Romsey Training Corps in STEM Activity

1391 (Romsey) Squadron Air Cadets have been working on building machines this year as part of the Air Training Corps commitment to increase the amount of STEM activities available to cadets.

Each cadet was given a battery pack and a small electric motor, as well as access to materials such as strips of wood, doweling rod and plastic tubing with the aim of making a machine that moved across the floor unaided.

Under the watchful eye of staff, the cadets who are aged between 12 and 20, carefully designed and planned their builds before constructing the vehicles using glue guns, power tools and soldering irons over a four-week period during parade evenings. This proved to be very popular with some interesting and innovative designs!

The project has been financially supported by SEA who provided the funds for the materials required to complete the STEM project.

Julia Whalvin, Squadron Commander at 1391 Romsey Air Cadets said “We are always looking for ways to not only improve our cadets experience with fun and interesting projects, but also to open their eyes to STEM type activities. With the support provided by SEA, we were able to do both this year.”


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